Power generation
We provide assistance to the gas turbine power generation sector, which includes traditional utilities, new startups, and power generation companies. Our aim is to help them overcome challenges that the industry is facing such as fuel and electricity prices, strict emission limits, and the growing importance of renewable sources in the energy mix.

Natural gas is a key component of fossil fuel-based power generation, providing highly reliable and flexible capabilities with fast installation and commissioning, as well as weather-independent availability. However, with the current shift towards renewable energy, the natural gas-based power generation sector is facing new challenges.
Our team helps clients navigate these environmental, technical, and economic challenges by optimizing power generation maintenance and operations to reach new heights. We support plant construction, identify assets for relocation, provide project management, assist with service agreement negotiations, and offer outage execution services. We also optimize maintenance strategies and inventories and support the resale of unwanted assets. DeveEnergy provides support throughout the entire lifecycle of a power plant.
In addition to our in-house capabilities, we also have access to an international network of experts, including structural engineers, design engineers, and environmental specialists.
Our team brings decades of experience with both Original Equipment Manufacturers and Independent Service Providers, as well as the level of personal attention, innovation, entrepreneurship, and cost-effectiveness that you expect from a small consulting and service company.
Typical customers
Independent power producers
Government bodies
Government entities
O&M Contractors
Typical customers
Independent power producers
Government bodies
Government entities
O&M Contractors